Monday, November 28, 2011

Important Notice

Tomorrow I will be unable to post due to it being Tuesday.

Important Notice:

It pains us to send this, but Steve "Notch" Willingham died while on a strange island. He was found in his apartment. His journal will be published and deciphered.

-James III


New Beginnings:

It seems our little fellow didn't make it out of the dungeon... But, this blog shall continue!

When new Minecraft news comes out, we will be one of the firsts to post it!

Getting The Rest Of Zombe:

The Zombe mod is much more complex than just flying. In Steve "Notch's" journal it said to download Zombe fly mod. This is a good step. Once you install Zombe's fly mod, you won't have to do the dirty work like opening the minecraft.jar file with 7zip or WinRAR. Which is a pain.

There's lots more mods than just flying. You can do death mods which alters the effects of death in your game, or info mod which tells you the biome you're in.

Here's the tutorial for installing it. I hope to have a video tutorial soon.

1. Go to windows, start and search "%appdata%" without quotations.

2. Click on Roaming then click on .minecraft.

3. Open up the "bin" folder.

4. Create a new folder called "backup"

5. Copy and paste the minecraft.jar file in "backup" about five times, leaving one in the "bin" folder.

6. Go back to .minecraft and select the folder "mods"

7. Click on "zombe"

8. Open the "config.txt" folder.

9. Scroll down to your mod of choice and get rid of the bold and underlined "#" in this example:

(example): # Uncomment to enable mod:
#modCloudEnabled          = yes

Then you'll have that mod enabled. Go through the list of mods to see which ones you like. Remember to look at the controls.


If you would like to e-mail me, please e-mail me at: Please no links to other websites, foul language, or offensive materiel in your e-mails.

Or if you would like to leave a comment, please leave me a comment in the comment box below! Please no mentioning of other websites, foul language, or offensive materiel in your comments.

Thank you

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