Friday, February 3, 2012

Fun Server Ideas

There are all kinds of servers out there. Community servers, servers in which you live I'm generally the same area, non-community servers, opposite of community servers, and then there's creative servers, in which you build tons of stuff.

Let's talk about community servers. Ever wanted to play one of those "virtual life " MMOs? Well think of community servers as the Minecraft version of those. Usually everyone has their own house nearby, or there's several cities in which you can live in. Hence the name community.

Not all community servers are the same as a "virtual life" MMO. Some are faction based, which means it's a war or trade based server.

An interesting idea for community servers is allowing citizens to have shops in which they sell armor, wood working items, general items, etc. A good currency is gold ingots, since they are practically worthless in the game.

I admit, community servers can be dull if it's just one massive home. You don't get to build often in community servers. Though if you want to build your own city or village, you can do that.

Non-community servers is basically just survival/creative mode with chat. Typically your alone in the wilderness like single player, but sometimes you can team up with friends.

Creative servers are where the only objective is to build. Now rules depend on your server host, so talk to the staff there to find out the rules.

Please note that these terms really only apply to this blog. These are just server ideas.


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