Monday, January 9, 2012

A City Upon A Hill

Whether you're playing in single or multiplayer, cities are amazing. In servers running the Faction mod, cities are a must for Factions. On single player, they are just fun to make. So what makes an awesome city? What makes city walls so amazing? I'm going to tell you.


Architecture is basically an art form where you build buildings. Minecraft architecture is some the best in games, since gravity does not affect your blocks. Your architecture is your architecture. Everyone has a different style, whether it be Roman or modern. And no one should tell you how you build it. But make sure your city, old looking or modern, has architecture.


Lighting is necessary if you don't want creepers and other creepy-crawlies running amuck. So if you need it, make it look nice. Like an NPC village's light system(seen at the bottom of the post).

All this is is two fence posts with black wool stacked on top with torches placed around it.

How To Build:

A great, organized way to build your city is called the "block" method. You should have roads or pathways in your city with twenty by twenty spaces every four spaces away. Your city will look like it is made of several "blocks," thus naming it the blocking method.

Utilizing The Block Method:

Have four lamp post at each corner of the block. You can build buildings in these spaces, pavilions, and gardens. This makes a very organized space and, depending on the size of your city, will help you and whoever else navigate it better.

The Wall of Your City:

A fine wall needs a good gate. It also needs to be massive. If you are savvy with pistons and redstone, you can even make the gate go up and down with a touch of a lever.

In multiplayer you can prevent the use of Ender Pearls by placing lava in between your wall. Just hope they don't teleport over the gate.

You could also, of course, make it so high they die from falling damage, thus making it easier for you to collect your spoils of war.

In the end, cities in single player earn you bragging rights and in multiplayer it earns you protection. Everyone wins.


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