Minecraftia's Field Guide
A Guide To The Dungeons, People, And Crafts Of Minecraftia
Second Edition
Second Edition
Minecraftia is a curious place full of strange and wonderful things. In this field guide you will learn survival, creative techniques, what structures you will find there, and more.
A Brief History Of Minecraftia
Minecraftia was founded by Notch, a wondrous explorer from a strange planet called "Earth" and a country there called "Sweden." He named it Minecraftia because he was astounded how many materials there was to be found by mining.
Now somewhat populated, Minecraftia is a place full of adventure in finding ancient relics, strange new dimensions, and new people.
Long ago, before Notch, a race whose name is unknown lived in massive places now called Strongholds. They worshiped the Enderman and the Enderdragon, who both live in The End. Now their ancestors, named NPCs, live in villages randomly found across the land.
Now Minecraftia needs to be populated by a new race of people: the Minecrafters. Although Minecraftia can be a dangerous place, these people flock here for adventure... and diamonds.
Minecrafters are a people who love making stories, and the land of Minecraftia is no exception. Stories such as the mythical Herobrine and even comics about themselves.
Beginning In Your New Home
Starting in Minecraftia can be difficult at first, since there is no official field guide to this land. Your first step after landing in this mythical place should be to find wood. After you find thirty-two wooden logs, open your inventory and put them all in your crafting table and you will get one-hundred and twenty-eight wooden planks.
After that, build your home out of a four by four wall four blocks high. Then build a roof on the fourth floor. You will next want to build a crafting table made by four wooden planks in your inventory. Then cut out two wooden planks and craft a door by occupying all the blocks except (your) right side. Place the door.
Next build a wooden pick by crafting two sticks (two wooden planks one on top of the other) and putting the two in the middle column (one on top of the other instead of the top-most layer) and putting three wooden planks on the top-most layer.
Go mine some coal (it looks like rock except it has black specks on it) and thirteen cobblestone. After your mining trip craft a sword (one wooden stick at the middle of the bottom layer and two stone blocks on top of the stick in the middle layer) and a furnace (occupy every space in the crafting table except the middle one). Finally craft torches (one stick and a coal on top of the stick) and put them around your new home. If there is still daylight, hunt meat-bearing animals such as cows, chickens, and pigs.
Then return home and cook your meat in the furnace (done by putting wooden or coal on the bottom stop of the furnace and what you want to cook or smelt on top of it, the results are to [your] right).
Wait out your first night.
Afterwards the goals are your's to decide. You can expand your house, look for iron, or anything you wish.
Buildings In Minecraftia
There are many ancient and new buildings already there in Minecraftia when you arrive. These structures, built by NPCs or their ancient relatives, usually are a benefit to you. NPCs do not mind at all if you come in their village and burn or steal everything, since they are indifferent to everything as of now. There are no races in Minecraftia that still occupy Strongholds or Dungeons, so worry not about insulting anyone.
These are ancient structures that ancient relatives of the NPCs built and lived in. Common structures were libraries, prisons, fountains, squares, hallways to nowhere, and the mysterious End Portal room. They are actually quite creepy in their age due to torches that do not glow and dark hallways and cold iron doors. Chests full of valuables are raised on platforms are throughout the Strongholds.
Libraries contain chests full of books and a chandelier. You can study their ancient works if you understand their runes, their writings are quite humorous and you can muse over them for the rest of your life.
Their prisons are cold and hard and where the ancient races stored their most vile of people. No remains of them are apparent, so that means they must have cleaned everything out, even the bones or people.
Fountains were in the centers of rooms and were often watched by the ancient race for entertainment. They gathered around fountains and worshiped the Enderman and Enderdragon, which is strange since the Ender creatures fear water.
Squares were used as today's squares are. Gathering places, places to engage in conversation and performing artisans around a central point of the room.
The End Portal rooms are quite mysterious. Surrounded by lava pools in the center, left, and right of the room. The End Portal already has a few Eye of Enders in it, but requires more to activate it. These portals will whisk you to The End, where the Ender creatures live.
Dungeons are places in which creatures spawn in. Chests are found and valuables such as diamonds are found inside. This is also the only place you can currently find mossy cobblestone. No one knows how the dungeons got here, since the ancient race did not build them. The only guess is that the creatures themselves with aid of the Enderman created them.
Placing a torch on top of the spawning cube to stop the flow of enemies.
NPC Villages
The NPCs live here in small villages full of many different kinds of buildings. Many different kinds of NPCs live there including priests, blacksmiths, librarians, and just plain ol' NPCs. The blacksmiths make all the wonderful things in the village. Librarians (they are a bit snooty) provide the NPCs knowledge, and the priests help worship the Ender creatures. Most villages have some details that are a bit off such as the road not being level enough, buildings in ravines, or homes sunken in water.
NPC culture is quite simple. They wander about and sometimes accidentally ruin their own crops when they jump about.
You can find treasures in the village blacksmith's shop. When asked about why he puts them in such an obvious spot he replied with a confused look and laughed.
These villages are in the Notchonian style of building and farms are also built in the Notchonian style, meaning only the best crops. It is unknown how the blacksmith gets his treasures, because when asked about it he just shook his head.
They have created many fantastical things, but perhaps the most wonderful is the Iron Golems. They help protect the village and give flowers to the villagers.
Zombies have recently begun to raid the villages at night due to a clumsy NPC's slip-o'-the-tongue. Iron Golems help defend the NPCs, but some do die in their raids.
Such raids have made the villagers a lot more careful. They now go inside at night and during rain.
Biomes make up the world in Minecraftia. Biomes are places such as jungles, forests, taigas, deserts, and even the mushroom biomes.
Jungles are lush places filled with trees, lakes, and ocelots. This is the only place in Minecraftia were you can climb on the vines of trees without having to place blocks anywhere. The trees are excellent if a creeper is chasing you. The occasional cave is located here and there.
The climate is awful. Hot and muggy with the occasional rain makes for a great climate for ocelots, but not for this writer.
Forests and Taigas
Forest |
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Taiga |
Deserts are hot and awful places with no rain, scarce rivers, no animal mobs... Which for some reason attracted NPCs to the deserts. A desert is the only place (besides the plains) that NPCs will live in. It is worth noting, however, that the desert is the only place to get cacti and see desert wells, making them an excellent place to go on vacation.
Extreme Hills
Extreme hills are lovely places to build your home. There are plenty of animals and lots of caves, which makes it ideal to start a home. The only bad this about this biome is that it has very few trees, but the problem is fixed because usually this biome is near a forest. This is an especially massive biome that can be hard to traverse.
This biome is known by many names: grasslands, fields, plains... But for simplicity's sake, we'll call them plains in this field guide. The plains are quite a lovely place with dry weather, and non humid conditions. Rain does happen in the plains, but rarely so.
Plains are the only other biome besides the desert biome in which NPC villagers build their homes. Animals are quite common here, but there are no trees. Caves are also a common occurrence, which makes them popular with Minecraftians to build their homes here.
Tundras are cold, cold places with tons of snow and occasional trees. Animals are quite rare, though frozen lakes are common. This is a hard place to live since the cold freezes any water, making farming and decorating with water a lot harder, though it is possible by covering the water and crops and putting torches near it.
A swamp is quite a nice place, actually. Plenty of trees to build with, plenty, plenty of sheep and chickens. Also there seem to be an abundance of caves to mine and explore. There are lots of lakes and rivers that eventually lead to the ocean. '
This biome is quite simple. It is almost all ocean, with the occasional islands. You can easily see ravines or caves in the ocean.
Mushroom Biome
This is a very strange biome indeed. No harmful mobs can spawn, but strange cows called mooshrooms can spawn. Trees can grow in mushroom biomes, but you must place the dirt in the middle of cobblestone square and then plant the sapling in the dirt. It is a very mountainous region.
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A Mooshroom. |