Saturday, December 10, 2011

How To: Play on a PVP Server

Let's face it: there are jerks out there. Playing on servers in Minecraft can be great, but there are griefers out there. Griefers are people who kill you when you spawn, ruin your home, or just do anything of that sort. So here's some articles on how to cope with griefers and play on a PVP (player versus player) server!

What is PVP?

PVP mean player versus player. Basically, PVP is one or several people trying to overcome other players. The objective in PVP is to kill as many players as possible. Most games have certain areas set aside for PVP so it isn't just a killing madhouse game. Not Minecraft. It's open PVP, which means there's no limit to where you can kill people. Some servers, though, try to take care of that problem. Ask your server owner or an admin where you can PVP on your server.

How do I Play Minecraft on a PVP Server?

Simple. Just as you would on a normal server. Punch wood, build a home (we'll get to that in a later article), survive. It's just in a multiplayer environment. Some people will just go all out and try to hunt you down. That's just PVP.

How do I Avoid PVP if I Don't Want to do it?

Typically you stay near your home and type in the chat something like this: "I do not wish to PVP, if you see me, don't kill me. I am not accepting any teleport requests." Now, that last sentence may not have made much sense to you. In multiplayer Minecraft there are macro codes to teleport or do certain things. Some macro codes are limited to admins or higher.

For instance, if I wanted to teleport to a person named, oh, say njh3, I would type in the chat: /tpa njh3. Njh3 in return would type in: /tpaccept or /tpdeny depending on whether he wants to see me right now. Another nifty thing is the /home macro, but we'll get into macros later on.

Just say /tpdeny to all teleport request when not wanting to PVP.

How do I Run Errands if I'm Getting Killed All the Time?

Simple, you go scouting first. Pack stuff you don't want to loose to other players and go scouting. Scouting is also good if you want to raid someone. Typically you only pack an iron sword, a bow, and a few arrows. Food if the trip takes a long time. If you see someone, don't attack right away since their home may be near by. If they see you and attack you, feel free to wipe them out unless they have better gear than you.

When and if the coast is clear, go back home and get the rest of your gear. Then make the journey back very cautiously.

Is There Any Other Types of Servers?

Oh yes! There are Faction PVP servers in which you team up with others and war on other factions. You can even make your own, which we'll go over in a later post. There are also Creative servers in which the focus is on building what you want.

What is This Whitelist All About?

Depends. There are two types of whitelists; one being a type of chat where there is profanity or other things like that, the other is an exclusive server only for certain people.

Next time we're continuing the How To: Play on a PVP Server!


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