Monday, November 21, 2011

Day Five

Happy 1.0, everyone! Minecraft is officially out of BETA testing! Woohoo!

-My bad:

I made a mistake in the Day Four post. There I said Strongholds are monster infested areas. Strongholds, in actuality, are ruins and are quite friendly. Dungeons are monster infested areas, and I am sorry for the mistake.

Day Five:

I have come across a strange relic on one of the Island of Dread*. It is asking for a "server address." I found a piece of wood saying "pvp.6SidedWorld.Com," so I wrote that on the relic. I was transported to a heavily populated area!

Once there, I was greeted by many friendly people. I went to a remake of the city of Rome looking for a home. There, a fellow named Cashmoney11332 invited me to live with him. So I shared a hotel room with him.

Then I mined with him. He gave me an excellent pick, so we mined and mined. Then he got tired and went back to his own land, so I explored the new land I found myself in, made a home on the outskirts of a fantastic city called Sky City, whose walls are protected by archers unseen. I made a house in Sky Burst village (that is what I call it, but the village has no official name).

Afterwards, I went back to my own land.


I came upon a village. It was empty. Or so I thought. A villager with a particularly long nose came out of a house. He didn't speak, so I moved back to my home.


I finally found a wolf! I tamed it with the bones of a skeleton I hunted. It follows me everywhere. Then if I am to hunt or to be attacked, it goes after the attacker in a savage show of strength and loyalty to me.

- Night:

I found myself to not be alone after all. I shall visit that other land tomorrow and then I shall make a portal to the Nether. Which I found the instructions to in a book in the village.

What Does This Mean?

*: This is, in actuality, the Multiplayer menu in the main menu.

pvp.6SidedWorld.Com: an excellent family-friendly PVP server.

villager: an NPC that roams villages.

NPC: non-playable-character. Known as mobs.

portal to the Nether: a way to get to the Nether.

Nether: a place with lava, unfriendly mobs and more.


If you would like to e-mail me, please e-mail me at: Please no links to other websites, foul language, or offensive materiel in your e-mails.

Or if you would like to leave a comment, please leave me a comment in the comment box below! Please no mentioning of other websites, foul language, or offensive materiel in your comments.

Thank you.

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